


Zapier is a web-based application to connect different apps and tools. While Feathery offers a certain amount of native integrations, you might want to integrate other specific apps or tools with your forms. Use Zapier to connect 5,000+ software apps with Feathery to create your perfect workflow.

What you need

  • An active Feathery account and form
  • A Zapier account


Zapier is an online automation tool that allows users to connect and automate workflows between various web applications without the need for coding or technical expertise. It enables users to create "Zaps," which are automated workflows that connect two or more apps to perform specific tasks or actions automatically.

Key Features of Zapier:

  1. Integration Ecosystem: Zapier integrates with thousands of popular web applications across different categories, including productivity, CRM, marketing, project management, e-commerce, and more. This extensive integration ecosystem allows users to connect their favorite apps and automate workflows seamlessly.
  2. Point-and-Click Automation: Zapier's user-friendly interface allows users to create automated workflows through a simple point-and-click process. Users can set up triggers and actions for their Zaps by selecting pre-defined options or customizing settings based on their specific needs.
  3. Triggers and Actions: In a Zap, triggers are events or conditions that initiate the workflow, while actions are the tasks or operations performed as a result of the trigger. Zapier supports a wide range of triggers and actions for different apps, enabling users to automate various tasks such as sending emails, creating tasks, updating spreadsheets, and more.
  4. Multi-Step Zaps: Zapier allows users to create multi-step Zaps with multiple triggers and actions in a single workflow. This enables users to automate complex processes and streamline repetitive tasks by chaining together multiple actions across different apps.
  5. Conditional Logic: Zapier offers conditional logic features that allow users to add decision steps to their Zaps based on specific conditions or criteria. Users can define rules and filters to control the flow of their workflows and customize actions based on different scenarios.
  6. Scheduled Zaps: Zapier supports scheduled triggers, allowing users to set up Zaps that run at specific times or intervals. This feature is useful for automating recurring tasks, such as sending weekly reports, updating data at regular intervals, or triggering reminders.
  7. Zap Templates: Zapier provides a library of pre-built Zap templates for common use cases and workflows. Users can browse and choose from a variety of templates, then customize them to fit their specific requirements, saving time and effort in setting up automation workflows.
  8. Multi-User Collaboration: Zapier offers collaboration features that allow users to share Zaps with team members, collaborate on workflow design, and manage permissions and access controls. This enables teams to work together on automating processes and improving productivity.

Common Use Cases for Zapier:

  • Lead Management: Automatically capture leads from forms, emails, or CRM systems and add them to a centralized database or CRM platform.
  • Task Automation: Streamline task management by automatically creating tasks, assigning them to team members, and updating task statuses based on triggers from project management tools or communication platforms.
  • Data Synchronization: Keep data synchronized across multiple apps and platforms by automatically updating records, spreadsheets, or databases when changes occur in connected applications.
  • Notification and Alerting: Set up automated notifications and alerts for important events, such as new customer inquiries, website form submissions, or social media mentions.
  • E-commerce Automation: Automate order processing, inventory management, and customer communications for e-commerce businesses by connecting online store platforms, payment gateways, and shipping services.

Overall, Zapier empowers users to streamline their workflows, save time, and improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and integrating their favorite apps seamlessly. Its intuitive interface, extensive integration ecosystem, and flexible automation capabilities make it a valuable tool for individuals, teams, and businesses looking to optimize their productivity and workflow automation.

How to set up

Navigate to the Feathery form that you'd like to integrate with Zapier. Click on the Integrations tab.

Open the Zapier integration and click Activate.

You’ll be redirected to Zapier's website and asked to accept an invite to integrate Feathery and Zapier. Click Accept Invite and Build a Zap.

How to build Feathery Zaps

In Zapier, click Create Zap.

Search apps and select Feathery. Once selected, choose your trigger event. The two options are form completion, which triggers when one of your end users completes the form, and data received, which triggers when any data is received from a form being filled out (including step submission, connecting integrations, custom code).

Once chosen, connect your Feathery account to Zapier by copying and pasting your Feathery API Key, which can be found in Settings in your Feathery dashboard.

Once your account is connected, set up your Feathery form submission trigger by entering the name of your form and the IDs of fields whose values you wish to receive (leave blank if you wish to receive all fields).

Finally, test the trigger with a new form submission to ensure your zap is set up correctly. The payload should be a mapping from field ID to field value, as specified by the user.

You are now set up with your first Zap and can begin connecting and sending to 5,000+ apps supported by Zapier!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the

"When inside of" nested selector


This is a H6

This is a Link

  • This is a list item
  • This is another list item here
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